This year’s Life As A Refugee community event has gone virtual! Resilient Together, we can build a more welcoming community.
On June 19th, celebrate World Refugee Day with us!
Share our messages:
What does World Refugee Day mean to you?
Acknowledge World Refugee Day by submitting your Act of Welcome at
Let’s celebrate refugee resilience together!
Use our hashtags:
#WorldRefugeeDay #LifeAsARefugee2020 #AllAreWelcomeHere #ResilientTogether
Watch our video:
Dr. Trung Ngo will join us in recognition of World Refugee Day, on June 19th @LondonCCLC or
Thanks to our LAAR 2020 community partners:
Collège Boréal, Carrefour Communautaire Francophone de London, London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership, London Public Library, LUSO Community Services, Pillar Nonprofit Network, Merrymount Family Support and Crisis Centre, South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre, Thames Valley District School Board, the Western Centre for Research on Migration and Ethnic Relations, WIL Employment Connections and the YMCA of Southwestern Ontario.
Thanks to our funder:
Sincere thanks to our 2020 Sponsors: