The London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) 1,000 Acts of Welcome challenge is a local campaign to end racial, religious and ethnic prejudice and discrimination in London by engaging residents in creating a welcoming community - one welcoming act at a time! The campaign will run from February 1, 2018 to March 20, 2018.

1000 Acts of Welcome Campaign

The key campaign message is #AllAreWelcomeHere. The campaign began with lawn signs promoting the key message. The 1000 Acts of Welcome campaign encourages residents of London to engage in acts of welcome and share those acts through the campaign social media. It encourages schools to take concrete steps aimed at creating a more welcoming school community. It invites every resident, to get involved and complete 1000 Acts of Welcome by March 21, 2018.

What is a welcome act?

A welcome act is a respectful and mindful interaction with individuals from a variety of racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including immigrants and refugees.   The goal is to ensure that individuals feel welcome, respected and included in London.  

Examples may include:

  • Learn something from an immigrant about their culture, for example
  • Help someone new with directions
  • If you are a newcomer/immigrant or a new resident in the City, share your experience of being welcomed
  • Provide tips about how to cope with Canadian weather
  • Share information with new immigrants on the London Transit Commission – where to buy tickets/passes, schedules etc.
  • Visit cultural places and/or a store run by an immigrant to learn and interact
  • Volunteer with agencies that assist in the settlement process
  • Show a newcomer the neighbourhood park and provide them with information
  • Learn a newcomer’s name
  • Introduce yourself to a newcomer
  • Play with a newcomer in school
  • Become friends with a child of a different ethnic, religious or racial background, and learn about their background
  • Include someone from a different ethnic, religious or racial background in lunch or movie plan
  • Share cooking recipes and or ask for ethnic food recipes
  • Join someone from a different ethnic, religious or racial background at lunch (school, work etc.)
  • Share your culture with someone of a different ethnic, religious or racial background
  • If you are an immigrant, share about an opportunity where your perspectives or ideas have been welcomed, considered or included (e.g., in meetings, in planning events, etc.).

Share your Act of Welcome via:

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Our Website.

Just tag your post with #1000ActsofWelcome