From Newcomer to Community Cornerstone: Dr Dev Sainani's LMLIP Legacy
Celebrating 15 Years of Building an Inclusive London through One Man's Transformative Path
When Dr Dev R. Sainani arrived in London, Ontario, in the early 80's, he couldn't have imagined the story he’d write for himself here. Four decades later, his journey from newcomer to community leader embodies the transformative power of immigrant contributions to Canadian society.
Dr Sainani's involvement with the London & Middlesex Local Immigration Partnership (LMLIP) began with a vision of a more inclusive London. "The opportunity to participate in an initiative aimed at not only benefiting newcomers to London but also to work on something that would enrich all of the residents of London and surroundings," he explains, was his primary motivation.
As one of LMLIP's earliest volunteers and a former co-chair, Dr Sainani witnessed the organisation’s growth. He points to LMLIP's unwavering focus on facilitating newcomer integration as its most significant achievement. "It has been steadfast and unwavering in its goals and its mandate and has persevered and created initiatives and programs that have all supported and aligned with its purpose, goals and objectives," he reflects.
Dr Sainani's story is a testament to LMLIP's broader impact on the region. His journey from an undergraduate student at Western to Associate Dean at Fanshawe College mirrors the organisation’s growth and influence. "London has evolved from a fairly homogeneous demographic to one where over 100 countries are represented at our educational institutions, to a city with a diverse and vibrant arts, culture and heritage scene, to a workforce that is truly global in its origins," he notes.
As LMLIP celebrates its 15th anniversary in 2024, Dr Sainani, though no longer actively involved, envisions a future where diversity is not just accepted but celebrated. He hopes for "a truly multicultural and welcoming city where we can truly and unequivocally demonstrate our collective journey from tolerance; to acceptance; to celebration; to a cohesive go forward strategy that involves everyone and where every voice is not only heard, but is incorporated into a welcoming community."
For those considering getting involved with LMLIP, Dr Sainani offers encouraging words: "Don't be afraid to get involved. Trust that your experience matters and what you have to say and contribute are as valuable as anyone else's experience in creating the foundations and context to the newcomer settlement experience."
Beyond his past role with LMLIP, Dr Sainani's professional journey includes founding the SAINA Group of Companies and serving on boards such as the Ontario Trillium Foundation. His enduring legacy with LMLIP inspires newcomers and long-term residents to build a more inclusive London, showcasing immigrants' vital role in shaping vibrant communities.